CCBDD receives proclamations honoring Robert Bycroft School anniversary
LISBON — William Devon, superintendent, Columbiana County Board of Developmental Disabilities (CCBDD), told the board during Wednesday’s meeting that they received proclamations from Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and U.S. Rep. Mike Rulli (OH-6) recognizing the Robert Bycroft School for its 70th anniversary.
Two of the 10 agendas items approved by the board involved the school’s graduation.
The board approved the Robert Bycroft School graduation to be held on May 22 at 1:30 p.m. and also approved four students for graduation.
The board also approved the 2024 Annual Report as submitted. Devon noted that the annual report is required documentation of everything the board did during that year.
Approval was given for a shared respite youth agreement between Columbiana Mahoning, Trumbull counties and Via Quest. Devon noted this is a shared three-bedroom facility for short-term stays to try to get the children back into their homes. He also said the need for places like this is getting bigger across the three counties who will split the utilities three ways at the end of the year.
The board approved Aug. 18 and 19 as the dates for the staff annual in-service and $5,000 to cover expenses and speakers and they approved $10,000 to support Columbiana County Special Olympics which is something they do annually.
With four air purifiers gone bad at the Robert Bycroft School, the board approved $8,669.92 for the purchase of six Air and Surface Pro units to replace the four and have two additional. The purchase will be made through Island Consulting Corp.
Individual option waivers as approved by the Ethics Committee were approved by the board for two clients and two level one waivers as approved by the Ethics Committee were approved for two clients.
With a roll call vote ending in an all-in-favor vote, the board adopted a resolution to authorize the execution and delivery of a master energy sales agreement between the CCBDD and Power4Schools’ endorsed electric supplier, Engie Resources LLC for lower energy costs.
The financial report was approved as presented along with approval to pay bills.
There was no old or new business from the board or Devon.
Devon noted that the Abilities Rock Carnival and Dance Party held March 8 at Waypoint was a huge success and that DD Awareness Night with the Youngstown Phantoms will be April 5 at the Covelli Center in Youngtown. Tickets are available through the CCBDD office.
Devon also said that he may play this year in the annual client staff basketball game to be held March 27 at the Lisbon High School gym.
Devon thanked the Reach 4 More staff and said the employer/employee recognition dinner held March 4 was a wonderful evening of events and then noted the Arc training typically held in April will take place in September.
The CCBDD meets the third Wednesday of each month at 4 p.m. at the administration office located at 7675 state Route 45, Lisbon. The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 16.