
Winona Ruritan Club met in Jaunary

WINONA – The Winona Ruritan Club met Jan. 28 at the Winona Friends Church. President Rob Doyle Jr. called the meeting to order and led the club in the singing of “America.”

Homer Althouse gave the invocation. The caterer served a meal of tossed salad with choice of dressing, hot pulled turkey breast sandwiches, cheesy julienne potatoes, green beans, chocolate cake with cherry sauce topped with whipped cream, water, ice tea and coffee.

Secretary Elmer Lee Stamp called the roll of members, with 21 being present and seven absent. He then read the minutes of the Jan. 21 board of directors meeting, which were approved. Bob Doyle Sr. gave the detailed end of December and year end financial reports, which were approved as given. Homer Huprich gave his audit report of the secretary and treasurer’s books and found them to be complete and proper. He then asked the club to find another person for next year’s audit because his eyesight is failing. He was given a round of applause for his audit of the club’s books.

Doyle Jr. reported that the club has a small bit of whole hog sausage to sell. The club’s next “all you can eat” pancake and sausage breakfast is Saturday, March 15. Stamp will be taking inventory of what is on hand and make a shopping list of what is needed and get those items on order. Rob Donaldson will be ordering the hogs and have the sausage ready on the previous Friday afternoon.

The club had two members born in January – Tom Richey and Matt Bryan. Bryan was present for the club to sing “Happy Birthday.”

The Feb. 25 meeting will be the club’s Father & Son dinner. Entertainment will be by Kenneth Hammontree of Living History Productions, portraying Johnny Appleseed.

The United Scholarship Committee will be having its Eggstravaganza at the church on March 1 from 7 to 11 a.m. Stamp will be putting small posters advertising the pancake and sausage breakfast on the tables to promote the breakfast on March 15.

Michael Knoedler has gun raffle tickets for the March 25 drawing for a “Henry Big Boy Lever Action Side Gate Rifle in .360 caliber Buckhammer. Only 100 tickets will be sold. The return on the $300 investment for the club’s “Build Your Dollar” scholarship this year will be $650. The Ohio Spring Banquet is scheduled for April 26 at the Foltz Center in East Canton; all members are invited to attend. There will be five drawings for $100 each, must be present to win.

All members rose and pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States.

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