
Columbiana’s Southside MS earns top award

Columbiana Exempted School District’s Southside Middle School staff learned Monday that Southside was one of 14 schools within the state of Ohio to be recognized as a 2024 Blue Ribbon School. According to their profile on the U.S. Department of Education’s website for Blue Ribbon schools, Southside’s reads, “We take great pride in offering students a small, hometown feel, while providing numerous meaningful and engaging learning opportunities. In doing so, students receive first-rate instruction using best practice strategies, emphasizing critical thinking and collaborative problem solving.” Southside also had earned a Blue Ribbon in 2015. (Submitted photo)

COLUMBIANA — The U.S. Department of Education named the city’s South Side Middle School as one of 356 schools nationwide and one of 14 within the state of Ohio as a 2024 Blue Ribbon School.

U.S. Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona announced the achievement early Monday afternoon.

The National Blue Ribbon Schools award recognizes public and private elementary, middle and high schools, where students achieve at high levels or are making notable improvements in closing the achievement gap among student gaps.

Columbiana South Side Middle School’s specific designation was as a Exemplary High Performing School, which means the school is among the top performers in their state as measured by state assessments or national normed tests.

Each nominated school submitted a comprehensive application, detailing is school culture, programs, assessment, instructional practices, professional development, leadership, family and community involvement.

SSMS building principal Jason Martin explained, “The National Blue Ribbon School designation is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and collaborative efforts of everyone within our learning community.

“This award belongs to all of our students, families, staff members, administrators, and board of education members. We are honored to receive this award and will continue to work together to ensure we are meeting our students where they are and ensuring future success for all of our students.”

Top educational officials in each state, District of Columbia and territory are asked to nominate schools each year with schools that showcase effective teaching methods, robust professional development and data-driven instruction being hallmarks.

This is not the first time that a Columbiana school has been recognized by the federal government.

Not only did South Side win a Blue Ribbon award back in 2015, but Columbiana High School was named back in 2009.

“I am very proud of our school. We have done some special things and it is nice to be recognized on a national level,” said Superintendent Don Mook. “(South Side does) have a hard-working group of students, educators, staff and parents; (however, this) doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Our students move onto up to high school to ultimately go onto great things.”

The U.S. Department of Education had been recognizing their Blue Ribbon award winning schools since 1982.

Each National Blue Ribbon School will receive a plaque and an award flag to display either in the school’s entryway or on a flagpole, denoting their dedication to exceptional teaching and learning. Columbiana’s representatives will pick it up Nov. 8 in Washington D.C.

“The 2024 National Blue Ribbon Schools are raising the bar for our nation’s students serving as models for effective teaching and intentional collaboration in their schools and communities,” U.S. Secretary of Education Cardona explained in a press release. “I appreciate each of you and your daily efforts to help our students find success, providing high expectations, while also offering comfort and a positive school culture in which all students can thrive.”

Mook added that there are a lot of schools within the region, which also could make this list due to the quality of education they offer their communities.

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